Columbus Day Surprise
UPS DID run today afterall!
Can't wait to get her stained, assemble & up 'n running! It will be after SAFF before she's ready to go, or I'm ready for that matter.
I'm still recovering from shoulder surgery & can't yet handle all the sanding that's needed when staining. Frustration is mounting...........
Plus, I will be learning how to use her at SAFF with a spinning class I'm taking.
Looks like you have a good helper already!! LOL!! Can't WAIT to see your wheel stained and put together!!!! I'm so tickled for you!!! Did you kiss the UPS man?? LOL!!
Hooray! Don't you love little helpers? Mack helps me all the time....grrrr! :o)
Yay! More spinners! Can't wait to see you go at it!!
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